What is it?
An online course designed for YOU to HEAL YOUR HORSE. You know your horse better than anyone and this course guides YOU through a process of exploring to understand your horse and their behaviours BETTER. This course offers you SIMPLE and PRACTICAL solutions to healing your horse.

Why did I create this course?
Having had the privilege of growing up around horses all my life, recognising their honesty and valuable lessons they teach me on a daily basis, I feel it is my life mission to give back to them. They truly are the greatest teachers ever!
Having the awareness, listening, observing and recognising patterns is fundamental to feel and see growth and improvement.
My intention is to give YOU the horse owner, rider, groom the tools in your tack box to HEAL YOUR HORSE. The irony is that YOU already know how! We are all born with the intelligence and ability to heal, yet most of us are sucked into the conditioned response to believe that someone else has the answer!
- Dr Google
- The Vet
- My Therapist (me included!)
- The horse owner next door (in some cases you are not evening asking for their opinion)
- Facebook (meta)
- Some Olympic rider
And yes, there is a time and place for each of the above people (maybe not the horse owner next door)! Our vets are our primary care givers and without their skills and knowledge in emergency situations, we would have a higher chance of loosing our animals.
Can you relate?
Imagine having the understanding, awareness and PRACTICAL solutions to helping HEAL YOUR HORSE?
Unfortunately the rate of lame horses is becoming increasingly popular. Misdiagnosed and thousands of pounds later, YOU are left feeling frustrated, confused and overwhelmed! We need to step away from the hustle and bustle of being stressed, pushed for time and relying on someone else to heal our horses.
You have the control
You have the skills
You have the choice to heal your horse.
Where most of us get stuck, feel paralysed and like no one is listening, is knowing WHERE TO START.
Heal your horse online takes you through the journey process of healing, it gives you VIDEO BASED tools to which you can START IMMEDIATELY with your horse, TODAY. It doesn't matter what age, breed, size, condition your horse has!
What are you waiting for?
To sign up to Heal Your Horse, click on the link below:
With love, Nika